- "CHAMPAGNE ! The cork opener from L’Atelier du Vin is designed to help you open your champagne bottles and celebrate great events safely!"
- COMFORTABLE : The impetuous cork of your champagne bottle will never be a source of worry and stress! The Cork Opener allows easy handling, by pressing with your thumb or forefinger.
- DON'T SCARE YOUR GUESTS : Avoid the startling noice of the cork coming out of a bottle of champagne. With the Cork Opener, open your bottles quietly and safely.
- THE ELEGANCE OF THE PARTY: To escort your champagne and your sparkling wines, the Cork Opener is smart and elegant! The patterned design by L'Atelier du Vin looks beautifully with its chrome metal finish.
- CONVENIENT : Corkscrews and cork openers differ like wines and tastes. The cork opener by L'Atelier du vin is designed to appeal to the greatest number of people by its practicality and elegance. Try it!
Our in house design studio and workshop design and produce new products, adding to our catalogue as well as far special orders.