Smith & Hanks 22 Bottle Freestanding Wine Cooler RW70 Review
Looking for a wine cooler to ensure your wines age gracefully? Elevate your wine collection with the Smith & Hanks 22 Bottle Freestanding Wine Cooler RW70!
A mix of style and convenience, this 22 bottle wine cooler is an excellent option for those needing to store a few bottles. The rimless glass provides and alluring look while the security lock keeps out those without authorization to raid your wine collection.
- Freestanding appliance
- Dual paned, UV protected glass, edge to edge glass door
- 6 removable and adjustable, wood accented shelves
- Single temperature zone, 41°-72° allows for a range of cooling environments
- Ambient temperature operating range, 60°- 90° Fahrenheit
- Fan circulated cooling limits temperature fluctuations
- Auto defrost cycle, passive humidity control and energy efficient compressor
- Shelf accommodates bottles up to 3 1/2" in diameter
- Bottle count: 22
- No louder than a whisper. Noise rating: 40 decibels.
- Environmentally friendly refrigerant using no ozone depleting chemicals.
- Vibration reduction system.
- LED Showcase Lighting
- Locking door
Buy the Smith & Hanks 22 Bottle Freestanding Wine Cooler RW70 NOW!
Measurements and weight (Model RW70):
- Dimensions: 28 1/2” Height x 18” Width x 22” Depth.
- Weight: 50 lbs.
Electrical Specifications:
- Input power: 160 Watts
- Starting Amps: 6.8
- Running Amps: 1.2
- Volts: 115V
- Hertz: 60HZ
- Estimated energy use: 180 kWh/Year
- Power plug location: Lower left corner at the rear of the cooler.
All wine refrigerators by Smith & Hanks come standard with a 1-year warranty for parts and labor, a 3-year warranty on compressors.